Chinese Embassy in Washington USA
The vast majority of our users resort to higher FINDER to swiftly locate the diplomatic mission or consular office that is closest to your current location. Did you experienced a problem and need to contact a Chinese Embassy in Washington to return to your residence country? You've come towards the right place, because here we show the updated list of diplomatic missions in Washington Region. Consulates, in contrast to embassies, aren't owned by the states represented at that do not have diplomatic immunity and its services are not precisely the identical as those supplied an embassy.
Employees in the consulates are usually officials on the country that hosts the nation not represented. On the other hand, all workers Chinese Embassy in Washington fully understand your language and will be satisfied to assist you.
Employees in the consulates are usually officials on the country that hosts the nation not represented. On the other hand, all workers Chinese Embassy in Washington fully understand your language and will be satisfied to assist you.
Chinese Embassy in Washington by Town
- SeattleProblems with Washington authorities? Contact immediately with any of the diplomatic missions borwsed for Seattle to find the ideal remedy with the local authorities.
- SpokaneIt is practically impossible to visit Washington bypassing Spokane (with 208.916 inhabitants). ConsulBy at present has an extensive catalog of Embassy and Consulate in Spokane and surroundings.
- VancouverOne with the busiest centers of population Washington is, with out any doubt Vancouver with 161.791 inhabitants, making it a very good candidate to host one or additional Consular Office in Vancouver.
- TacomaDiplomatic missions are usually in populations with greater number of inhabitants. With 198.397 residents Washington is one of the most influential centers of population Washington.
Chinese Embassy in Washington by County
View all Chinese Embassy in Washington by County
Nearest Chinese Embassy in Washington, listed 6
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America
3505 International Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008
Chinese Consulate General in New York, United States
520 12th Ave., New York, New York 10036
Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, United States
443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020
Chinese Consulate General in Houston, United States
3417 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77006
Chinese Consulate General in Chicago, United States
100 West Erie Street, Chicago, IL 60654, USA
Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, United States
1450 Laguna Street, San Francisco, CA 94115